Monday, 28 December 2009

Whoooo loves owls?

I've had this new one under wraps until after Christmas....hope you like it!

Monday, 21 December 2009

My First Blog Award

Thank you to the beautiful Chelle at Chelley Bean Designs for my very first creative blogger award!

So there are some things I have to do to receive this illustrious award - some rules to keep it growing:

1. Copy picture and post on your blog (check)
2. Thank the person who gave it to you and link to their blog (check)
3. Write 7 things about yourself we don't know (see below)
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to pass the award to and link to those 7 other bloggers.

So here's my list...

1. My Dad bought me my first sewing machine when I was about 15 (using money he'd saved to by himself some new CB radio equipment!!)
2. I left home to live with my grandparents for one year when I was 12 before going to boarding school
3. I met my husband via my brother - he was one of his mates!
4. My first car (keeping with Chelle's theme) was a PURPLE morris minor (1952 model)
5. I saw the demonstration AFL game at the 1982 Brisbane Commonwealth games
6. I have NEVER had Christmas away from my parents!
7. I didn't travel overseas for the first time until I was 42!

And my creative blog inspiration list ...

1. Sara Pearcy from Sassi Photography
2. Mel from Point Shot Play
3. Jodie @ Haby Goddess
4. Tracey - I Close My Eyes...
6. Pip Prosser - love her outback family photos & scrappin'

Thanks again Chelle for selecting my blog :)

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Made.X.Manda goes to Straddie

I'm excited to say my camera straps will be on sale at the North Stradbroke Island markets TOMORROW (Sunday 20 Dec). The lovely Julie (from Nourish Naturally) will be selling them for me - so as you check out her gorgeous skin and beauty products you can purchase a new camera strap as well!!! Thanks Julie!

Sunday, 13 December 2009

First Referal

Excited to get an email this weekend for a strap order from a 'stranger'! Heard about my straps through a friend of a friend who had purchased one! Thanks for spreading the word!

I finally got the RAK prize to Ali (from our random November comments draw) --- here's the lovely little coin/card purse she won!
I also had a special order for a handbag this past week. I started out making handbags for friends and family before getting into the camera straps. Will be adding them to my blog soon on a made-to-order basis. I use the lovely Melly & Me patterns for most of my bags. This is 'Latte' which is approximately 40cm in height including the handles.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

The Winner is...

The winner of the random November RAK is Ali12 (Alison Edwards) as drawn very early this morning by my eldest DD.

Congrats Ali --- I'll have your prize to you very soon!

Thanks for all the lovely comments I received over the month!